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Travel and venue information

Join us at the world's nutraceutical event... in Barcelona!

Here’s all the info you need to help plan your visit to Barcelona.

A smooth journey

What's in this guide

Get ready for Vitafoods Europe with these simple steps

01 Book your accomodation

02 Check visa requirements

03 Arrange your travel

Book your accommodation

Accommodation around show dates gets booked out quickly. We recommend that you book suitable accommodation in Geneva as soon as possible.

How to book

We’re pleased to team up once again with Bnetwork to secure the best prices for your accommodation.

You can book your room at preferential rates through Bnetwork.

Book now

Check visa requirements

Need a visa to come to Barcelona? Follow these steps



3 easy steps

1 Register for the event or book your stand as an exhibitor

2 Request your visa letter using the application form

3 Apply for your visa

Apply for your visa

If you require a visa to enter Spain, you can apply for your visa letter using this application form once you have completed registration.

Arrange your travel

As part of our commitment to positively impact our host cities, we support local businesses and empower local communities.


The venue is connected to the main motorways and roads accessing Barcelona: AP-7, AP-2, A-2, C-16, C-58, C-31, C-32, C-33. Parking is available via the North, East and South access. 


The “Europa/Fira” station of the Generalitat Railway Network connects the Fira Gran Via Venue with the city centre, as well as with other surrounding cities. All the trains on lines S8, S33, R6, R5 and S4 stop at the “Europa/Fira” station.

Get more information here: 


Fira Gran Via is only a 10 minute ride from the airport, or 25 minutes on public transportation.

Getting around in Barcelona

Barcelona is a very well connected city, with various modes of public transporation to help you get where you need to be. Consider purchasing the Hola BCN! pass, which allows you to use public transportation from 48 to 120 hours, and get the most of what this beautiful city has to offer.

For additional information please visit:

image venue